Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and so too is Saturday Night Live funny every so often. Lucky for them, Ryan Gosling starred in this week’s episode, and if he’s anything, he’s funny.
The two things killing Hollywood and comedy are “wokeness” and Trump Derangement Syndrome. The former is their new religion and won’t be easy to eradicate. The latter, well, TDS is also a disease with no known cure except getting to know the real Trump and seeing him for what he is - a flawed but gifted human being, and not what he isn’t, The Devil Himself.
The mass delusion over the Trump the Left has invented has meant a complete disconnect from reality. And that’s not funny. Well, it would be if they made fun of themselves over it, which they would never do, especially not in an election year.
Wokeness has meant fear of insulting or offending any marginalized groups, which has sanitized comedy and writing across the board.
Comedy has to be universal and “wokeness” is anything but. It’s the thing Ryan Gosling himself once mocked to a hilarious degree many years ago - before it became the mandated ideology in Hollywood. Here was Woke Jeans from six years ago.
Humor is rooted in universal truth. But to be really funny and truthful, you will be offensive to the “woke.” Quite the conundrum, eh? It really isn’t new. Imagine what kinds of things could be funny inside Scientology, for instance, or inside an Amish community. The rules are rigid, and the ideology is locked in.
But they did manage to find some funny in SNL last night. I can’t watch the show itself anymore, especially not Weekend Update, which is straight up propaganda for the Democratic Party. But if I know it will be 1) funny and 2) not Trump-obsessed, I will catch it on Youtube.
They even managed to make a joke about the viral clip of Ryan Gosling breaking character because Kate McKinnon made him laugh. Here is the original:
And here they are, revisiting it six years later:
Gosling is better able to control his laughter, though he breaks character throughout last night’s episode, too. But that only makes it all funnier.
It’s not easy to be funnier than the average TikTok, but thanks to Gosling, they did a pretty good job, also from last night:
And this:
Here was his opening monologue:
Yes, they are promoting the new movie, Fall Guy, which opens May 3rd. But still. This was top shelf. Bravo. Hope springs eternal.
That was histerical!
Thank you Sasha.
You are the best.
Without you I would miss so much.
Still can’t watch it.